Icon: Training & Presentations

Icon: Training & Presentations
Training & Presentations

Developing and uncovering knowledge, attitudes, and skills are often key components of a change process. With decades of combined experience in training delivery and public speaking, our team brings a hands-on and engaging teaching style to all our workshops and presentations.

Private training sessions for small and large groups can be arranged as stand-alone events, or as part of a more sustained change-process which includes other services. We also offer publicly-accessible training events.

Our core areas of training include restorative justice, conflict transformation, trauma-informed/healing centered practice, facilitation techniques, de-escalation, and collaboration skills. Specific topics, duration, and format are customized to the unique needs of our clients. We are adept in both online and in-person training formats and look forward to discussing your training needs. Contact us to explore how we might support you in getting yours or your team’s training needs met.

Are you looking to elevate your workplace culture?
We also have trainings specifically designed for supporting leaders and teams to integrate restorative principles into workplace culture and practices:

Useful When

  • You wish to support a healthy organizational culture and environment through continuing education and skill development.
  • You are looking to expand knowledge and capacity for strategic thinking at the outset of a change process.
  • You are implementing programs or initiatives that require additional skills and capacity for service delivery.
Projects that Utilized Training & Presentations
Working with Just Outcomes and Cara has been a pivotal experience for our students, staff, and community at large. Our school was looking for a cohesive and tangible system for discipline focusing on restorative versus punitive consequences. We were fortunate to work closely with Cara to learn about the principles of restorative justice in schools and how to feasibly implement them in our classrooms, across the whole school, and even with our school families.
Sari Tullis (she/her) Head of School Neskowin Valley School

Whether your initiative is large or small, urgent or strategic – we are ready support you.

Let's Get Started