Restorative Human Resources Program Development
COVID-19 and the “Great Resignation”. An uncertain economic landscape. Game-changing new technologies. A social justice reckoning. The ongoing challenge of preventing and addressing workplace bullying, harassment, micro-aggressions, and discrimination. Human Resources professionals are called to new levels of adaptation and innovation as they navigate these unprecedented challenges.
Conventional approaches to intervention in workplace conflict and harm are often built around adversarial processes which mirror our western criminal justice system. What if instead of relying on separation and punishment, our responses to these issues could instead foster staff well-being and cohesion while enhancing a shared commitment and investment to your workplace culture, mission, and brand?
A restorative approach to HR expands intervention options in ways that honor the needs of impacted parties, treat everyone involved with dignity, and foster meaningful accountability.
In this project, we will help you to convene a diverse and representative Restorative Leadership Team, train the team in restorative justice concepts and principles, and provide our technical expertise to support the team in designing a fully developed and ready-to-deploy restorative HR program that members of your organization can access voluntarily when needing support in circumstances of interpersonal conflict or harm.
By the end of this project, your organization will have:
- Restorative Leadership Team with clear Terms of Reference
- Restorative Intervention Program Manual
- Implementation Strategy
- Evaluation Strategy
Contact us now to explore how this package can transform the experience of HR intervention toward an experience of dignity, support, and reconnection.

Useful When
- Your staff are reporting dissatisfaction after HR interventions in conflict and harm.
- Traditional practices are falling short at meeting the needs being expressed by reporters or responsible parties, and more tools are needed.
- You need effective HR practices that bring your internal culture into alignment with your expressed values.
Just Outcomes created a safe, respectful space for people to share openly without judgement.”Confidential Client