Be sure to join us on Monday, June 2nd in our live virtual Restorative Leadership Training! Specifically scheduled for our community east of the Rockies, join us as we explore the principles of leading restoratively. Whether you have a position that supervises or manages others or simply wish to hone your skill of motivating and […]
In these deeply polarized times, it’s easy to see patterns of division taking hold—where harm is met with public call-outs, leaving individuals shamed or isolated. While the intent behind calling out often stems from a desire for justice and accountability, we must pause and ask: Does this approach truly pave the way for healing and […]
In our decades of experience catalyzing change within organizations toward more restorative ways of being, we’ve had front row seats to what works…and what doesn’t. We’ve learned, failed, and triumphed alongside the courageous folks in the organizations we’ve partnered with, and here’s what we know: authentic community and relationships of trust are the great catalyzers […]
We are excited to announce the launch of our newest guide, designed to support large-scale systems change within institutions, agencies, and organizations. Rooted in our multi-year partnership with the Oregon Youth Authority, this guide offers practical steps, key considerations, and essential elements for implementing restorative justice within a youth correctional context. Tailored for correctional leaders, […]
What would it look like to have our shared humanity centered in our workplaces? Would a more relational approach provide a way through the complex challenges that modern workplaces face? Join this timely conversation by reading Just Outcomes’ recent report, “A New Era: Toward a Restorative Approach for Workplace Culture, Conflict and Crisis.” After decades […]
Optimism (n): hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something. – Oxford English At some point I realized I’m a professional optimist. As with all of us working in the transformation field (let’s go with that broad title), a major part of my job is to see – and invite others […]
Dignity, belonging and repair: three core principles for restorative approaches in human resource management. Find out more in this recent Zehr Institute webinar by Michelle Jacket and Matthew Hartman of Just Outcomes. And if you’re still curious about a restorative approach in organizations, come join us for our next scheduled Restorative Leadership training!
A good friend recently invited me to write a letter of recommendation for her teenage daughter, who is applying for entry to a Leadership education program. As I pondered what to include in the letter, it struck me how we adults can be guided by paying attention to the things we value in young people. […]
Building on Just Outcomes’ 10 years journeying with workplaces of all kinds, I’ve been engaged this year in focused research on the intersection of HR and restorative justice. I’ve been asking: What do the principles and practices of restorative justice have to offer the most pressing challenges workplaces are facing today? What makes it worth […]
What does it look like for leaders to embody the work of restorative justice, in an effort to affect change within systems? How do we ensure that “how” we show up to create change is aligned with ‘what’ we are trying to shift? Can we generate buy-in, inspire action, and transform organizational culture by modeling […]