Case Study
Restorative Response to Quality Concerns in Long Term Care

Just Outcomes was approached by a Canadian long-term care facility that was facing complaints by several client family members about the quality of care. Emotions were high and the situation was beginning to escalate. We were asked to help address these issues through large-group facilitated dialogue, informed by the principles of restorative justice.
Traditional complaint mechanisms across sectors are adversarial and sometimes even combative, often leading to defensiveness. A restorative approach encourages institutions to adopt a stance of listening, acknowledgment, problem-solving, and addressing the root cause of concerns. In so many of these contexts, relationships are vital and need to be preserved. This was certainly true in the long-term care context, where the relationships between the facility staff and family members of elders in care is essential. In recognition of this reality, Just Outcomes agreed to support the process.
In preparation for dialogue, we conducted in-depth, confidential individual and small group meetings with family members, facility staff, and leadership. This gave us a firm understanding of the issues at stake, while also allowing us to prepare all parties for a respectful and productive dialogue. With this preparation complete, we facilitated a 2 hour conversation between the concerned families and key members of the care facility leadership.
Just Outcomes produced a final report containing a summary of the discussions and agreements emerging from the dialogue, which was used as a foundation for renewed relationship and action moving forward.