Icon: Intervention

Icon: Intervention

Few would welcome moments of relational crisis in the places we live, work, learn, and play. Yet when supported by skilled and compassionate facilitators and effective processes, these circumstances can lead to new possibilities for individuals, relationships, and organizations. 

Our intervention work spans a wide spectrum of situations and settings, including those involving escalated conflict, injustice, and violence. Professional, experienced, approachable, and confidential; we prioritize careful preparation and design customized processes in conversation with those we serve. Contact us to explore your specific needs and how we can help. Get in touch to find out if an intervention would be a good fit for you.

Useful When

  • There is significant unaddressed conflict and/or harm in relationships.
  • Trust has been lost and cannot be restored through usual patterns of interaction.
  • Your situation requires external assistance by someone who is perceived as fair and trustworthy by all parties.
Projects that Utilized Intervention
I was involved in highly sensitive restoration and reconciliation meetings with an individual, and on another occasion with a group of 12 people. Just Outcomes preparation of us, as well as their facilitation of the meetings was professional, sensitive, and effective. I would highly recommend them for their experience, skills, and hearts for planning and executing potentially challenging interactions.
Restorative Justice Process Participant Confidential Client

Whether your initiative is large or small, urgent or strategic – we are ready support you.

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